30 May 2006

Silence! ... *Cough*

I've been sick. This is primarily supposed to be a journal of my activities in and around the house. So, when activities grind down to the barest nub of sleeping, coughing, and staring at the ceiling, then not so much is worthy. On the bright side, I recently felt a strong and jolly tingle of nostalgia when I ladled into my mouth the first tablespoons of cough syrup I'd had in decades. Cherry flavored cough syrup is childhood, boiled down to a thick ooze. Of course, now that I'm choosing for myself, I prefer the herbal sort: co-op bought, and non-drunkinatin'. (On that tip, being an adult, I do possess the genuine. It's up on the shelf, it's brown, not cherry-colored... in a large glass bottle... not a small plastic one... made in Kentucky.)

1 comment:

shimmy said...

Update: I took a second look at that cough syrup. The first ingredient? Alcohol.